🤖Who is Ben?
Ben is your personal assistant!
He is connected to the 🧠 four40 data platform of your company in order to supercharge your days with:
Optimized and faster scheduling,
Meetings, calls and pitches preparation,
Notifications management,
Knowledge retrieval from all your Company's tools.
Ben uses Natural Language Processing techniques to understand your requests and manage your work days effectively.
He lives in the tools that you use on daily basis:
talk to him on Slack,
tag him in a Notion comment - currently in Beta,
mark him in a Google Doc / Slides comment - currently in Beta,
ping him from your team-specific tool: Jira, Intercom, Hubspot,... and more to come!
Example of commands you can give Ben:
Schedule a 45mn call to talk about life with @John, @Marie and @Miles tonight at 5pm Paris time
Schedule a Standup every weekday at 9:30pm London time with @Oliver
When is @John available for a call tomorrow?
Block gym time tomorrow from 7:30 to 8:30am
Summarize this thread in 3 sentences with tasks
Last updated